Support the Show!

Help support the show by buying a mix cd from our shop! Currently we have two mixes available, with more to come. Each one has the funk & soul you love, plus a few gems you can't get anywhere else!

Quick update…

I am still waiting on my ISP to move my site to a new server. Once that is done, I will upload the remaining shows (approx 7gigs of shows going back to 2000). In the meantime I added two old shows. One from 2002 with the one-and-only Miss Shing-a-ling guest djing. I also added a show I did from Oct. 2001. More to come.

Also, all the new shows will be in a higher bitrate!

Switch to Wordpress!

The switch to wordpress is complete! All the recent shows are now back online, going back to 2005. There are a few holes where I had missing shows & I'll try to track those down.

Be sure to RATE your favorite shows as well. The highest rated shows will show up on the front page of the site.

Coming soon:

  • better looking theme (using default wordpress till i find a suitable one
  • all the REALLY old shows (going back to 2000)
  • cheap mix cds for sale to support the site.

RIP Godfather

RIP - Mr. James Brown.

Remember the good times.

Soul Brother #1.